All Dental Health Articles - Page 35


Lip Tie in Babies & Toddlers: Identifying, Symptoms & Treatment

Lip Tie in Babies & Toddlers: Identifying, Symptoms & Treatment

Feb 7, 2022A baby lip tie can impact your child’s early and long-term speech patterns, as well as oral hygiene and diet. Some lip ties naturally correct over time.
Tongue-tie in Babies: A Guide for Parents

Tongue-tie in Babies: A Guide for Parents

Feb 7, 2022Ankyloglossia — or a “baby tongue tie” — is a condition where an infant or newborn’s tongue has tight tissue that restricts tongue movement.
12 Home Remedies for Relieving Sensitive Teeth

12 Home Remedies for Relieving Sensitive Teeth

Feb 7, 2022Tooth sensitivity in and of itself isn’t always bad. How to get rid of sensitive teeth starts at home with good hygiene and available DIY options.
Why Are Your Teeth So Sensitive?

Why Are Your Teeth So Sensitive?

Feb 6, 2022Sensitive teeth occur for a variety of reasons. Some are as simple as using whitening toothpastes while others are because of an abscessed nerve.
Teeth Whitening At The Dentist: Procedure & Cost

Teeth Whitening At The Dentist: Procedure & Cost

Feb 6, 2022The teeth whitening at the dentist's cost can vary between $300-$800 on average. It's a fast and cost-effective way to make your smile whiter.
7 Ways To Fix Black Triangles Between Your Teeth

7 Ways To Fix Black Triangles Between Your Teeth

Feb 6, 2022Wondering how to fix black triangles on teeth? It’s actually your gums causing the visible teeth gaps! Your dentist can help fix these gaps between teeth.
7 Reasons Why The Roof Of Your Mouth Hurts When Swallowing

7 Reasons Why The Roof Of Your Mouth Hurts When Swallowing

Feb 6, 2022If the roof of your mouth hurts when swallowing, it may be due to trauma, burns from hot food, or even some type of an oral infection.
What Are The Black Triangles’ Between Your Teeth?

What Are The Black Triangles’ Between Your Teeth?

Feb 6, 2022Black triangles on your teeth are small teeth gaps that can harbor food and bacteria. Resulting in gum recession, periodontal disease, or misaligned teeth.