A Day In The Life Of A Dentist
Feb 2, 2022Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a dentist? What’s it like to be a dentist every day and what do they do at work?A Day In The Life Of A Dental Assistant
Feb 2, 2022Dental assisting is a fast-paced career where you have the opportunity to take on different types of roles depending on the dental office.How To Be Confident At Work! | New RDH Tips
Feb 2, 2022One of the things they don’t teach you in dental hygiene school is how to be confident at work. It’s time to put your skills into action.5 Bad Habits That Are Ruining Your Teeth!
Feb 2, 2022Many factors contribute to poor dental health, including undesirable behaviors like nail-biting, smoking, and opening bottles with your teeth.Is Chewing Ice Bad For Your Teeth?
Feb 2, 2022Although ice chewing may seem like a harmless pastime, it can do some real damage - especially to the teeth and enamel.What Is Perio Charting & Why Is It Important?
Feb 2, 2022Your dentist or hygienist uses a small tool to measure how deep the natural space is between your gums and teeth.How to Use a Water Flosser (without making a mess)
Feb 2, 2022Yes, they can be messy. But using a water flosser is a great alternative for conventional string flossing.How Does Teeth Polishing Work? Is Dental Polishing Worth It?
Feb 2, 2022The hygienist will polish the teeth by using a powered handpiece to gently buff and remove external stains that build up on the outside of your teeth.