All Dental Health Articles - Page 51


3 Things NEW Dental Hygiene Grads NEED To Know

3 Things NEW Dental Hygiene Grads NEED To Know

Dec 16, 2021There are some things you’ll want to keep in mind as you embark on your new career as a dental hygienist!
Your First Day Working as a Dental Hygienist

Your First Day Working as a Dental Hygienist

Dec 16, 2021You’ve passed your exams. You passed your board. You are licensed to offer dental hygiene services. You got this!
The Order I Clean My Patient's Teeth (My Scaling Sequence)

The Order I Clean My Patient's Teeth (My Scaling Sequence)

Dec 16, 2021This video is my dental hygiene recare appointment "scaling routine" My best advice is to find a sequence that works best for you and stick with it!
Covid Changed RDH Day To Day For The Better!

Covid Changed RDH Day To Day For The Better!

Dec 16, 2021Here is a day in the life of a dental hygiene post corvid pandemic.
How To Find A GOOD Dental Hygiene Job & Opportunities

How To Find A GOOD Dental Hygiene Job & Opportunities

Dec 16, 2021If you’re flexible, hard-working, friendly, and show up on time, then it’s possible to make finding a dental hygiene job a fairly straightforward process.
Dental Hygiene License: Boards, Exam, and Renewal

Dental Hygiene License: Boards, Exam, and Renewal

Dec 16, 2021Getting your dental hygiene license, you have to do special things to make sure it’s issued properly, stays up to date, and is renewed every year.
Dental Hygiene Schooling, Programs & Requirements

Dental Hygiene Schooling, Programs & Requirements

Dec 16, 2021Getting into dental hygiene school is a competitive process. Good grades in your basic sciences will help your application stand out from other students.
How To Become A Dental Hygienist: Career, Salary, and Education

How To Become A Dental Hygienist: Career, Salary, and Education

Dec 16, 2021Become a Registered Dental Hygienist by passing boards. RDHs provide vital preventive dental services, including cleanings.