All Dental Health Articles - Page 38


Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You're Pregnant?

Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You're Pregnant?

Feb 6, 2022Routine dental care is safe to perform on pregnant women, most doctors suggest delaying significant, non-emergency oral surgery until after giving birth.
Sore Bleeding Gums When Pregnant: Causes & Treatments

Sore Bleeding Gums When Pregnant: Causes & Treatments

Feb 5, 2022Sore gums when pregnant can be related to dental diseases like periodontitis, bleeding gums, and pregnancy treatment.
Should You Go To The Dentist When You're Pregnant?

Should You Go To The Dentist When You're Pregnant?

Feb 5, 2022If you need dental care during your pregnancy (teeth cleaning, fillings, or even emergency care) it’s completely safe.
Why Your Teeth Hurt During Pregnancy & What To Do About It

Why Your Teeth Hurt During Pregnancy & What To Do About It

Feb 5, 2022During pregnancy, women experience dental problems for the first time ever. Issues like bleeding gums and oral disease can raise your risks of preterm labor.
Can Pregnancy Cause Tooth Loss? Loose & Crumbling Teeth

Can Pregnancy Cause Tooth Loss? Loose & Crumbling Teeth

Feb 5, 2022Are teeth crumbling during pregnancy caused by calcium being taken from your teeth by your developing baby? According to the ADA, no.
BEST and WORST Halloween Candy for Your Teeth

BEST and WORST Halloween Candy for Your Teeth

Feb 5, 2022What is the best and worst Halloween Candy for your teeth? Halloween is a great time to splurge on your favorite treats.
13 Reasons Why You Have a Bump on the Roof of Your Mouth

13 Reasons Why You Have a Bump on the Roof of Your Mouth

Feb 5, 2022Bumps on the roof of your mouth are not uncommon. Sometimes, it can be a serious issue that requires immediate medical intervention.
Canker Sores on Roof of Mouth: Causes & Treatment

Canker Sores on Roof of Mouth: Causes & Treatment

Feb 5, 2022Canker sore on roof of mouth flare-ups or fever blisters are common. The average canker sore is usually caused by irritation or immune responses.