All Dental Health Articles - Page 37


9 Worst Foods For Your Teeth & Gums

9 Worst Foods For Your Teeth & Gums

Feb 6, 2022Candy isn’t the only food that has sugar in it. The worst foods for teeth may actually be what you’re eating on every day without even realizing it.
TikTok Dental Trends Are Ruining People’s Teeth

TikTok Dental Trends Are Ruining People’s Teeth

Feb 6, 2022There's a terrifying trend on TikTok of people shaving down their teeth with nail files and getting veneers at super young ages for no reason.
How Long To Leave Whitening Strips & Gels On Teeth

How Long To Leave Whitening Strips & Gels On Teeth

Feb 6, 2022Always follow the manufacturer’s directions on each specific line of whitening strips you’re using. They will say how long you can safely wear the strips.
Tongue Sores During Pregnancy | Causes & Treatments

Tongue Sores During Pregnancy | Causes & Treatments

Feb 6, 2022Ulcers, fever blisters, mouth, and tongue sores during pregnancy are usually the same type of sores you see when you aren’t pregnant.
Is Brushing Your Teeth Triggering Morning Sickness?

Is Brushing Your Teeth Triggering Morning Sickness?

Feb 6, 2022Pregnancy — along with a hypersensitive gag reflex — can trigger morning sickness only when brushing teeth or flossing.
Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You're Pregnant?

Can You Get Wisdom Teeth Removed When You're Pregnant?

Feb 6, 2022Routine dental care is safe to perform on pregnant women, most doctors suggest delaying significant, non-emergency oral surgery until after giving birth.
Sore Bleeding Gums When Pregnant: Causes & Treatments

Sore Bleeding Gums When Pregnant: Causes & Treatments

Feb 5, 2022Sore gums when pregnant can be related to dental diseases like periodontitis, bleeding gums, and pregnancy treatment.
Should You Go To The Dentist When You're Pregnant?

Should You Go To The Dentist When You're Pregnant?

Feb 5, 2022If you need dental care during your pregnancy (teeth cleaning, fillings, or even emergency care) it’s completely safe.